Takes strength to be a person of substance.

Takes strength to accept yourself completely and unreservedly. Always ask your self- WHY? WHY NOT ? WHY NOT ME ? WHY NOT NOW ?

Takes strength to love yourself fully, wholly and unconditionally.

Takes strength to accept that you are messy, fragile, insecure and vulnerable.

Takes strength to owe up to your mistakes. Yes I messed up, so what ?

Takes strength to do what no one else thought you could.

Takes strength to be positive even when things don’t workout the way you planned them to and have a beautiful approach towards everything.

Takes strength to stand up for yourself. 

Takes strength to speak up for the wrong.

Takes strength to chase your dreams, which seem temporarily impossible.

Takes strength to work on things that people think cannot be worked up on.

Takes strength to love someone who is as flawed and as scarred as you or even more.

Takes strength to be stubborn enough not to give up, even when you fail on a massive scale.

Takes strength to get up, after falling seven times.

Takes strength to be insanely courageous and attempting to do something great.

Takes strength to judge your day, not by the harvest, but by the seeds you sow.

Takes strength to accept that you are weakened by fears and befriended by flaws.

Takes strength to carry the dark clouds and the rain.

Takes strength to do things you are passionate about.

Takes strength to stand tall and smile even after you have been hurt, after all that you have been through. There is strength in being nice to every one. So don’t ever question yourself, “why did this happen, I was so nice to every one always ?”. People are never going to give everything you deserve. So just smile and move on.

Takes strength to tell people about your feelings. How you love them. How absolutely magical they are. It may sound weird and scary, but it takes strength to tell them that you want them, need them, love them.

Takes strength to be desperate. Desperate for love, risk, magic and eternal happiness.

Takes strength to recognise that you are sad, out of plan, upset and lonely. There is braveness in being soft.

Takes strength to admit that you are not the strongest, funniest and most talented person in the room. But the most brave and kind one. The one full of potentials. The one willing to learn. The one willing to evolve.

Takes strength in being over enthusiastic and loving the crap out of everything you do.

Takes strength to walk out of a toxic relationship.

Takes strength to live life on your terms. DON’T SAY WHY ME. SAY TRY ME !

Takes strength to never give up on yourself, even if the entire world has. You are more than what you are going through.

Takes strength to battle hardships. They prepare ordinary people for the extraordinary things. It’s not the impact of a hardship that determines you, but the refusal to let a hardship dictate your life.

The greatest battle wasn’t fought in Africa or America or Asia, the greatest battle was fought inside your mind. It is impossible to beat someone who refuses to give up !

No one can decide your fate, no one can imprison you, your abilities, your strengths. You are a lava dying to break through from the volcano of trials. Look at it in the eye, no matter how bad it is. Let your strengths speak for you. 

Don’t just overcome obstacles. Recognise your part. Your strengths. Your weaknesses. Learn from your mistakes. Adhere to the lessons.

Strength is a bumpy journey. Requires continuous hardships and efforts and some discomfort and pain. You will never find your answers in a convenient place.

 Your struggles today are building your strengths for tommorow. Grow through what you go through.

Tough times don’t last, but tough people do- Robert Schuller.


This post is a part of a collaboration called COLLABORATION WITH A PURPOSE PART 2. You can see the details in my previous post.

Here’s the link of the post of the amazing people who contributed to this month’s collaboration. You can read their posts here-

1. Addison D’Marko’s Post.

2. Ajibola Sunday’s Post.

3. Nicolle K’s Post.

4. Barb Caffrey’s Post

5. Camilla Motte’s Post.

6. Ipuna Black’s Post.

7. Jothish Joseph’s Post.

8. Jane Love’s Post.

9. Mylene C. Orillo’s Post.

10.  Sonyo Estavillo’s Post.

11. Manal Ahmad’s Post.

You can reach out to me on Facebook by clicking here- OFFICIAL PAGE OF lifeaswehaveneverknownit 

Instagram by clicking here Tajwar Fatma


  1. Wow! This is so amazing, Taj! I feel mega inspired right now.
    Takes strength to motivate others in an awesome manner such as this. This is beautiful. Just lovely!

    Liked by 3 people

      • It comes on every day at 4 and I watch it. I guess I have seen the entire series 5 or 6 times. At night, I watch Downton Abbey….for the 4th or 5th time.
        Are you about through with Orange is the new Black? I still haven’t been able to get back into that. 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      • No I am not yet done with that. Ill start season 5 soon.
        A little busy with college and I have a few ventures that I’ll be telling you all about very soon.
        I haven’t been very active on WordPress recently. So please bear with me. I’ll be back reading your amazing blogs really really soon ❤
        Happy Sunday ♡

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel like I can move a mountain now, Taj! I REALLY needed this today. Thank you! You are one of the strongest females I know, and I’m lucky enough to call you my friend. You rocked it in this post. Thank you for that. ❤️​😍​

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I can relate to the fact that it takes strength to walk out of toxic relationships. This is soooo incredibly true. There are so many people that stay in terrible relationships, they’re either afraid to be alone or afraid of the unknown and can’t handle change. Some people would rather stay in something familiar to them, even if that something is toxic and bad for them.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Absolutely Sonyo. And I am so happy that people speak for themselves. But it also makes me sad to realise that a lot don’t.
      I’m glad you liked the post Sonyo.
      How are you doing????


  4. This is such an amazing post. Though is seems little but it speaks so big and I can relate to every single sentence, but this sentence really got me “Your struggles today are building your strengths for tomorrow. Grow through what you go through.” I believe that bad experience of today brings out the best in tomorrow. Adversity is an opportunity for growth, this is such a great reminder; thanks for sharing, keep up the good work and stay blessed.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That is so good to know Mylene that it resonated you.
      It takes strength to sustain trials and emerge stronger and more optimistic out of them. And I wish you lots of good luck in that ❤
      How have you been doing?

      Liked by 1 person

      • A little busy with college and I have a few ventures that I’ll be telling you all about very soon.
        I haven’t been very active on WordPress recently. So please bear with me. I’ll be back reading your amazing blogs really really soon ❤
        Happy Sunday ♡


  5. I’m glad I was finally able to get over here and read your post, Tajwarr. I enjoyed it very much. The GIFs are a nice touch, but what I enjoyed the most were the quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt and your own musings here and there about how it takes strength to keep going, to keep fighting, and to admit that we aren’t always at our best. (That’s my own phrasing of it, mind.)

    Yes, indeed. 🙂

    Anyway, better late than never…glad to have read your post.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Loved your words of inspiration. Truthfully, I found all the video clips distracting . . . your words are powerful all on their own and don’t need as much icing as you might think. 🙂


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